Project Description
The founder and owner Sam Enticknap is known to everyone that meets her as the Dog Mother or “Poochie Mamma” as she likes to be called. This name was given to her for all the love, support and dedication she has shown over the years to so many beloved pooches. Sam has been handling, volunteering, fostering and loving dogs for as long as she can remember. She grew up with a family that were extremely passionate about dogs and a mother and Aunty who were breeders, handlers and competed in dog agility competitions in the UK and New Zealand.Poochie Mamma Website Design Challenge
Poochie Mamma had contacted us to help design and build their new doggie daycare website.The doggie day care website design had to appeal to dog owners so we had made sure to use a nice sliding image on the home page to show images of happy pooches.The website uses a pink background with a white content area to break it up nicely and to make the content and images stand out.Apart from the clean web design the website also has it’s own online store so you can show for your favorite goodies online using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.Project Details
Website Design
Project URL