Project Description
Affordable Media busts the myth that Television Advertising is “way too expensive”.Sole Traders, Small to Medium Business through to International Corporations – start up’s and established company’ have all come to Affordable Media for our straight forward TV Advertising Solutions to sell products , services, generate sales leads and create brand awarenessMany first time clients have not done TV Advertising before. So they’ve started out with our low cost $9977 TV Advertising Test Package Deal . It includes commercial TV airtime in a Capital City or Regional area and also a professionally made graphics based TV commercial.Affordable Media Website Design Challenge
Affordable Media had contacted us to help design and build their new website for their TV advertising business.The website design had to be a 1 page parallax website so they could fit all of their content neatly on 1 page without having to load other pages.The web design has an easy to use navigation system located at the top of the page, when you click on a menu link it slides down to the spot, a nice little feature.Overall a clean and sleek website.Project Details
Website Design
Project URL